Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yesterday we went to this temple on a hill that was recently given to Mongyur Rinpoche, a young Lama who spoke very good English.
It was us a all Newari's, Nepal's Buddhist ethnic group.
He gave two blessings and people were very pushy in line.

I keep on craving chicken but I'm afraid to order it lest these Buddhists judge me (they would--and the western ones, not Tibetans)

I'm supposed to be on a bus bound for outside the valley to see the consecration of a new monastery, but it is delayed due to a strike. There are strikes all the time here. (The new Maoist government is only partially to blame).


Kathleen Arcovio said...

So excited to find this! Glad to hear you are well and sorry about the lack of chicken. Can't wait to read more!

Unknown said...

hello harry i love and miss you! your entries are really pleasant to read, and interesting too. whatta writer, this one.

ok bye. also i'm going to nz in a mOnTh. i wished you were at thanksgiving. the word verification is "slesseli". that is all.