Sunday, February 22, 2009


I feel like I just woke up from a dream where nothing makes sense but everything makes sense
Into something that makes sense but doesn't actually make sense.
Or something.

Friday, February 20, 2009

coming home

by evening, 4 Am
Darjeeling is cold. Calcutta is warm.
I will miss India but Karma Willing I'll be back next year.

Friday, February 13, 2009

In Darjeeling, going on retreat for a few days before coming back to the west.

Colder up here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kolkata or Calcutta, this is a great city.
Not what I expected. What I have seen has been very built up-- stores with glass fronts selling expensive goods, fancy call centers with very modern architecture. A mall! I guess this is the "New India" we keep hearing about. We're staying in a suburb (!) recommended by my dad's friends.
The city itself is large with a lot of aging victorian-style buildings holding brand-new shops and restaurants downstairs.
Bengali is a lovely language. It's warm and the people are warm. Tasty food. Elements of the India I have seen are still here, but there also seems to be a lot more money and a sizable middle class. Of course the slums are still here, but they seem to be more out of sight.
Tonight we're taking a train to Darjeeling. Back to the mountains one last time before I come home.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Back in Varanasi, slowly transforming into a baba.
Wound up staying in BodhGaya for 5 weeks. Who knew?
Day after tomorrow, taking a train to Kolkata to meet up with my dad.
My some girls from brooklyn, now we're traveling together.
Two weeks until home.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I love it here

I love it here i love it here i love it here i love it here i love it!
The Kagyu Monlam was 8 days of praying for the world with thousands of people in Bodh Gaya
then three days of teachings just for westerners
Then visiting Ragir, where Buddha taught on emptiness, and Nalanda, the ruins of a huge university
There's a music festival happening with flashy colored lights everywhere and it's packed.
I love India.. And I recommend it.
Just make sure no one steals your stuff and don't drink the water.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Years!

In Bodhgaya, place of Buddha's enlightenment.
Basically a village, with the Mahabodhi Temple to the side surrounded by a tiny market center and some two story buildings. Different temples and monasteries from every buddhist culture are scattered around. The Mahabodhi Temple marks the site where Buddha actually attained enlightenment and there is definately a special energy in this place. There Buddhists from all over the world circling the grounds and doing their own practice.
Karmapa gave three days of teachings and also gave the refuge and bodhisattva vows. Very special.
The monlam starts tomorrow.
My New Years Resolution: Attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings :)
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new years, with love and blessings from Bodhgaya.

ps my train from varanasi was nine hours late!