Sunday, February 22, 2009


I feel like I just woke up from a dream where nothing makes sense but everything makes sense
Into something that makes sense but doesn't actually make sense.
Or something.

Friday, February 20, 2009

coming home

by evening, 4 Am
Darjeeling is cold. Calcutta is warm.
I will miss India but Karma Willing I'll be back next year.

Friday, February 13, 2009

In Darjeeling, going on retreat for a few days before coming back to the west.

Colder up here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kolkata or Calcutta, this is a great city.
Not what I expected. What I have seen has been very built up-- stores with glass fronts selling expensive goods, fancy call centers with very modern architecture. A mall! I guess this is the "New India" we keep hearing about. We're staying in a suburb (!) recommended by my dad's friends.
The city itself is large with a lot of aging victorian-style buildings holding brand-new shops and restaurants downstairs.
Bengali is a lovely language. It's warm and the people are warm. Tasty food. Elements of the India I have seen are still here, but there also seems to be a lot more money and a sizable middle class. Of course the slums are still here, but they seem to be more out of sight.
Tonight we're taking a train to Darjeeling. Back to the mountains one last time before I come home.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Back in Varanasi, slowly transforming into a baba.
Wound up staying in BodhGaya for 5 weeks. Who knew?
Day after tomorrow, taking a train to Kolkata to meet up with my dad.
My some girls from brooklyn, now we're traveling together.
Two weeks until home.